Defense Grid League

Ambition & Glory

Invited Captains
1. Championship Challenge Winners
2. Solo Power League: Mythic League Players
3. Team Power League: Diamond League Players

Eligible Teams
1. Has only 0-1 Mythic League or Higher Player in Power League
2. Minimum 6 Teams will be accepted, 1 from each club

1. Build a Team of 3 Players
2. Get a Qualified, Balanced, or Specialized result in Teamsnorth_east
3. If your team got a Qualified result in team creator, your team should Win Four(4) consecutive matches in 3v3
4. Submit results from the previous steps with your Team Name to Discordnorth_east
5. Hosts will verify and announce your team's registration result

Overall System
1. Defense Grid League Weeks
a. DGL Weeks can happen once or twice(1-2x) a month
b. There will be Three(3) DGL Days in One(1) DGL Week
c. DGL Days has the same schedule as Club League(CL) Days
d. Participants will be allowed to skip Club League(CL) in DGL Weeks

2. Rounds
a. A Round is a Best of 3 Match(2-3 Battles) of 2 teams
b. Teams will be requested to do at least one(1) Round in a DGL Week
c. All participants will choose on a specific time and day to play the Round
d. Reschedule: Rounds can be rescheduled only once per Team
e. Failure to show up on the chosen day will automatically count as a loss
f. Redo: Rounds or Battles can be requested to be redone only once per Team (both teams should agree)
g. Dishonest attempts to redo a Round or a Battle will count as a loss
h. Both teams shall submit the Round results to Discordnorth_east
i. Hosts will verify the results and confirm the winner

3. Defense Grid League Masters
a. Top 3 Teams will be invited to DGL Masters
b. Defeated Teams can rejoin with their points intact if 2-3 of their members are also rejoining
c. New Teams can join but start from 0 points
d. The points gathered in DGL Qualifiers will only be used for seeding

4. Hall of Famenorth_east
a. Champion Team - highest overall points
b. Best Captain - best captain according to all participants
c. Best Defender - best defender according to all participants
d. Best Attacker - best attacker according to all participants
e. Best Support - best support according to all participants
f. Most Valuable Player - best stats in the whole season